There’s no escaping it: We’re living in a toxic soup and our bodies are in a constant, exhausting battle that’s raging on a cellular level. Heavy is the cutting-edge battle plan you need to win the war.
You’re about to embark on a journey so cutting-edge, most functional medicine doctors haven’t caught up with it yet.
There’s a lot to process here. Some people will be content just scratching the surface… and if that’s you, simply wait until the series begins to start your transformation.
We’re offering you a unique experience that will take you beyond what everyone else has access to. And by the time you’re finished, YOU will be the go-to expert on the effect of toxins on our bodies and how to transform health through state-of-the-art, science-based methods most people will never have access to.
On This Page Only…
Get Instant Access To Heavy: Inescapable Toxins Causing Our Health Epidemics…
Instantly Open Access to All 7 Science-Backed, Expert-Endorsed Episodes, Two Complete BONUS Episodes, All 107 Video Interviews, Transcripts And Audios, And Exclusive Bonus Material Worth Thousands.

And, When You Unlock Gold Access, You Become a VIP🏅with Exclusive Rights to a Wealth of Information That’s Not Part of The Freeview Experience…
With Early-Bird, VIP Gold access you get:
Think of it this way: A 3-credit hour college course provides you with 48 hours of instruction… you’re getting over twice that, directly from the experts themselves!
Videos that you can share with that family member whose health you are worried about.
A complete transcript book so you can read and highlight material at your leisure.
The material you’re getting here exceeds what you’d expect from a full, 3-credit college course…
And it’s delivered not by a professor who’s simply parroting what they learned from the experts, but by the experts themselves.
Become the expert in your circle of influence. Your family needs this information. Your friends are looking for answers to their complex health problems…
And now, YOU can help them!
It’s one thing to quote a series you just watched to someone who’s looking for answers. It’s another to be able to sit down and show them the facts, right from the mouth of top experts in the field.
Owning VIP access to Heavy gives you the tools you need to help not just yourself, but others who are facing health struggles that doctors just can’t fix.
Here’s a sneak peek of some of the wisdom our experts share during the series…

And how one simple fact led me to reconsider everything I thought I knew about what’s really causing diabetes, obesity, dementia and more health epidemics…
Including why some people literally cannot lose weight no matter what until they know the #1 chemical to detox and how!”

And did you know that toxins, not diet, are the #1 cause of diabetes.
I’ll reveal cutting edge secrets about how you can revitalize your DNA, protect your brain, get back youthful energy and mental sharpness… with a hugely noticeable difference in how you look, feel and function…
While exposing the lies you’ve been told about diabetes, the ‘beauty’ products that kill fertility, and why, in spite of what you hear on the news, sugar is not your problem.

But sadly, that’s far from reality.
Join me, Dr. Bill McGraw, in 'Heavy: Inescapable Toxins Causing Our Health Epidemics,' hosted by Dr. Wendy Myers.
Together we’re exposing the harsh reality:
Heavy metals replace vital minerals … triggering obesity and cravings … disrupting hormones … and perhaps most disturbingly of all … passing from mother to child.
This documentary is your gateway to a longer, healthier, happier life.
RIFE frequency detox … purging deadly aluminum from your brain … and so much more.
Our mission is both profound and simple…
To shield you from health disasters and help you live into a healthier, younger, toxin-free future.

My good friend Wendy Myers challenged me to surprise you with practical, proven information you’ve almost certainly never heard before…
I’ve dug deep into my 28-published clinical research papers to share ‘mind body soul’ detox secrets no one is talking about.
You’ll learn about how emotional trauma can promote weight gain. And what you can do to nourish yourself emotionally and get to the root cause of your weight issues.
Depression … breaking the shackles of trauma to live your best life… Putting a stop to self-sabotage … ADHD… Addictions, Workaholism… Bodyweight and self-acceptance issues… What big pharma hopes you never find out about medications… And so much more!
Claim Exclusive Access To The Entirety Of Heavy!

We’re Going All The Way Down The Rabbit Hole…
Exposing Lies, Exploding Myths…
Revealing The Truth About Heavy Metals, Immunity-Destroying Forever Chemicals, Neurotoxic Microplastics, Mold, Glyphosate, EMF’s...
…And We're Sharing a NEW Paradigm that Even Functional Medicine Is Missing…
Our Health Crisis Demands Answers
Staggering statistics reveal the grim truth - we are suffering a national health emergency. Over 70% of adults are overweight or obese. 40% have prediabetes. Autoimmune diseases, mood disorders and dementia are surging.
Preventable conditions like heart disease and diabetes persist as leading killers. Arthritis and mobility issues afflict millions.
Physical and mental suffering has become the norm.
To add insult to injury, we blame the victim. Before you pin your health issues on your willpower, your lifestyle choices, or your genes?
Watch this series. Because the TRUTH is, the toxins we live with are making the battle for health 10x harder than it’s ever been before.
Own the Series and Become Part of the Solution
Nearly everyone you know is likely struggling with some form of physical or mental hardship.

As a concerned parent, grandparent, and friend, you want nothing more than to protect your loved ones. You may feel powerless watching those close to you battle weight gain, declining mobility, mood disorders and disease.
The responsibility to help falls on people like you, who are willing to do the research, put in the time, and fully understand the problem as well as learn the science behind proper detox. Because the truth is?
The people who were supposed to protect us have let us down.
Big corporations have been allowed to pollute our lives with toxins… poisons are part of every step of food production from farm to table. They’re added to our water. They’re released into our air.
The government is in their pockets and won’t help.
No one is going to take responsibility or step in to save us from the mess they’ve created… it’s up to YOU.
But you’re not alone… we’re here to help. Dr. Wendy Myers' passion is to arm you with what you need to become part of the solution, which is why this series is being offered to you at such a deep discount.
Get all the information you need to identify the sources of poisons like carcinogens in plastic, EMF radiation, toxic food additives (banned in many countries but allowed in the U.S.), hormone disruptors found in household cleaners, heavy metals used by your dentist and Big Pharma, and more…
Then, find out how to detox your body using cutting-edge methods that release you from the toxic burden you’ve been carrying for years.
There Is HOPE, and It Starts Here.
…And Finally Sharing a NEW Paradigm that Even Functional Medicine Is Missing…
Deep down, you know that this isn’t how we’re supposed to live. People are dieting more than ever before, eating organic, doing juice fasts, avoiding carbs, and going to the gym… and 70% of us are STILL overweight.
Children are suffering from autoimmune disorders at unheard of rates.
Our seniors are crippled by arthritis and one out of every 3 seniors dies with some form of dementia.
But there is hope… and it starts with owning this series.

You’ll be given the information you need to cut toxins out of your life, protect your family from additional exposure, and detox your body from the damage that’s already been done.
Early-Bird VIPs get the bonus checklists and action points you need to get started on the journey to restored health, energy, and vitality:
Imagine being FREE of the exhaustion, brain fog, stubborn weight gain, insulin resistance, autoimmune disease, inflammation, and ill health that’s held you back.
Imagine helping your aging parents restore movement lost to arthritis, reverse memory loss, and regain their energy.
Imagine protecting your children and grandchildren from a life battling one disease after another.
Imagine the relief when chronic depression and anxiety lift for the first time in years… you fit back into your favorite jeans, your skin clears up and starts to glow again…
And you realize this health struggle was not your fault…
But the SOLUTION was your choice.
Our goal is to help you reach your maximum potential through exposing how heavy metals and environmental chemicals are causing obesity, resistant weight loss, diabetes, fatigue, hormone havoc (stress, sex and thyroid), brain health issues, digestive distress and many modern chronic health issues.
So if you’re ready to take action on this very special offer right now…
Here’s Everything You’re Getting When You Get Instant Access To “Heavy”…!

#1 - Instant Forever Access To All 7 Episodes!

And so you know what’s in store, here’s the program:

Obesogens & Stubborn Fat: Uncover Your Toxic Load to Unleash Rapid Weight Loss

Sugar Isn’t the Enemy: The Toxic Truth About Diabetes & How to Reverse it With Detox

Drained & Depleted: Toxins That Zap Your Energy & How to Revive Your Mitochondria

Hormonal Havoc: Uncover the Toxins that Sabotage Your Libido, Thyroid and Menopause Years

The Weight of Worry: Release Toxic Stress, Emotions and Trauma Causing Resistant Weight Loss

The Anti-Aging Paradox: How Toxins and Your Beauty Products Are Aging You Beyond Your Years (And How to Stop the Damage)

Save Your Brain: Reversing The Toxic Link to Brain Fog, Dementia & Early Cognitive Decline

The Anti-Aging Paradox: How Toxins and Your Beauty Products Are Aging You Beyond Your Years (And How to Stop the Damage)

The Anti-Aging Paradox: How Toxins and Your Beauty Products Are Aging You Beyond Your Years (And How to Stop the Damage)

#2 - Exclusive Access To VIP Episodes Reserved Especially For Action-Takers Like You…

…Rest Assured These Episodes Are Packed With Hidden Gems… And They Are Not Included As Part Of The Free Schedule
After taking in these 2 bonus episodes, you’ll understand detox on a whole new level…A personal level…So you can take everything you discover and make wise and lasting choices for your health.
I suspect you’ll know WAY more than your M.D…
As well as shocking your family and friends with your newfound, expert knowledge.
And while no one wants to be a know-it-all…
It’s true you’ll have cutting-edge, science-backed facts… meaning you can make powerful choices for your own health…
While guiding your loved ones onto a new and healthier path.

Deep Breath… You’re Going To Love This…
#3 - All 107 Full-Length Uncut VIDEO Interviews!

It’s not every day you find a documentary series that tracks down and interviews the top 107 experts in ANY worthwhile field of endeavor.
But even if that did somehow happen…
The producer would surely never give you lifetime access to all 107 UNEDITED video interviews.
But as you might have noticed…
I am deeply passionate about detox…
Especially after seeing the life-transforming results achieved in my own life…
And in the lives of my hundreds of patients from all walks of life.
And as I’ll never tire of saying:
Everything you do has to make sense for your life story and medical history.
That’s why I’m thinking differently…
I’m thinking it’s the best choice to give you access to every darn second…
Warts and all…
Fully unedited…
So you can deep-dive with the best…
And fully understand the experts who’s message strongly resonates with you.
And because I made sure every expert came armed with STORIES…
These are some of the most fascinating conversations I’ve ever had the honor to be a part of.

#4 - Transcripts From All 107 Interviews

We couldn’t include every minute of these interviews in the actual episodes…
There was just too much!
But these interviews are saturated with health-preserving knowledge…
So I’m giving you full lifetime access…
So you can continue your journey based on your own health needs.
Top tip:
When you watch each episode, look out for the experts whose testimony speaks to your life story.
Those are the transcripts we recommend reading…
So you can go deep on the facts … deep on the science … and deep on the solutions that best suit your own health journey.

#5 - All 107 Audio Recordings

This is the option I know a lot of people will get the most value from.
Because access to all 107 audios is perfect!You can listen along from almost anywhere…
In the gym, having a shower, walking, driving (but pay attention to the road), doing chores… the list goes on forever.
These audios are like having VIP access to the best health detox podcast in existence!But it’s not for the masses…
It’s just for you.
How Much Is Your Health Worth …
To You?
You can’t put a dollar sign on good health.
A million dollars…
Even a billion…
When the time comes, we’d give it all for one more day.
Your health IS your wealth.
And when it’s gone…
Life gets expensive… fast.
According To The National Institute Of Health, The Average American Racks Up A Massive $316,600 In Lifetime Health Care Bills…

With that in mind…
We think $147 dollars is the bargain of the millennium!
Compared with the potential impact on your health it’s a tiny drop in the ocean…
You’re getting forever access to the world’s top 107 legendary leaders of the holistic health and detox field…
Putting - as far as possible - the keys to lifelong health back into your hands. What happens next is up to you.
Either you’re OUT…
Because you don’t think the ‘Heavy’ docuseries and the 107 featured experts can help you…
In which case no harm, no foul, and we wish you well!
Or you’re IN…
Because you recognize the bargain of a lifetime when you see it.
And you’re open to hearing the truth about detox…
And the cutting-edge, trustworthy science that transforms lives.
If You’re Ready To Get Started…
Dive in and enjoy the adventure!
Our goal is to help you reach your maximum potential through exposing how heavy metals and environmental chemicals are causing obesity, resistant weight loss, diabetes, fatigue, hormone havoc (stress, sex and thyroid), brain health issues, digestive distress and many modern chronic health issues.
So if you’re ready to take action on this very special offer right now…
The 30-Day “Detox For Life” Guarantee Fully Protects Your Purchase…
This couldn’t get any safer … or easier…
Take a full 30 days to watch the entire series - as much or as little as your schedule allows.
If, after 30 days, you don’t think ‘Heavy’ is worth at least ten times what you paid, then guess what?
We don’t want your money.
In fact, we’ll insist you send an email to this address:
Every dollar and cent you paid will be returned, no questions asked, and we'll say goodbye as friends.
And just to be sure, we’ll process your payment within 24 hours (Mon to Fri).
(Keep in mind banks take 3 days to put the payment back in your account.)
If you're ready to:
…You literally cannot lose!
Plus… 100% FREE When you buy on this page:
Shocking Reports Exposing The Hidden Truth About Detox, Health, And You…

Why these reports?
So you can scroll them in minutes on your phone and take action FAST.
Read ‘em in minutes!...
Each of these short, hard-hitting reports is packed with healing information you can’t risk missing.
Easy to read, easy to apply…
And packed with practical, gamechanging detox facts!
Get Instant Access And Watch On Your Own Schedule!

And don’t be a stranger…Get in touch and share your journey!
P.S. With the “Heavy” docuseries, you’re getting the first fully holistic explanation of detox with 107 of the top experts in your corner.
P.P.S. Think about how you could look and feel next week, one month or a year from now.
With the correct detox, you could be about to enjoy a whole new lease of life!
Slimmer … more energy… powerful sex drive… younger, more youthful skin… your confidence and joy back with a bang… and so much more!
A Huge Thanks To Our Sponsors!

